Combustion Engineer Registry

Find Qualified Combustion Engineers

Welcome to the Combustion.Engineering Registry, a dedicated platform for connecting industries with qualified combustion engineers. Here, you can browse professionals with expertise in burner optimization, emissions compliance, system retrofits, and combustion troubleshooting.

If you want to register with us as a combustion engineer then hit the join button to join us

Registered Engineers

Below is a list of combustion professionals available for consultation and on-site services

Read the Disclaimer*
Craig Prescott
Fired Equipment Commissioning Engineer
  • Specialization:
  • Burner commissioning, combustion troubleshooting, and system tuning.
  • Experience:
  • Extensive work with ExxonMobil, Shell, and other major industrial clients
  • Availability:
  • Global (For Metso Customers Only)
  • Disclaimer
Looking for an Engineer?

Our registered engineers provide expert consultation and on-site services globally

Whether you need a burner tuning specialist, emissions compliance consultant, or retrofit advisor, our experts are ready to help.

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if you need assistance finding the right specialist for your project.